Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Beginners - Step 5

Well, like most people--or most people I run into anyway--I have a Facebook account. I was on Myspace before it died--or started dying--and even had a Livejournal before that. It is a fun and easy way to keep the connections you have and to gain new ones. For me, it's more or less a fun waste of time. I would probably lose touch with people I don't see that often if it were left up to me contacting them by phone call, text, or email, so it's a nice thing to have.

I don't have a Twitter account. I'm sure it would be relevant to me somehow if I chose to start using or subscribing. (There's got to be some reason so many people are 'in' on it.) However, I don't feel like I have enough to say to have people subscribe to my updates.. and well, I'm just not that interested in what anyone else has to stay to subscribe to them either!

I think it's a great idea for the library to be part of Facebook and Twitter, especially considering what a large percentage of people 16-30 use them. (I recall hearing that it's difficult to get this age group to come into the library.)